Approve more patients for financing utilizing pre-qualification

Patient financing is really tough. Most patients don't qualify, leading to lost time and revenue. Not to mention frustration for staff and patients. Now you can pre-qualify your patients for financing before they get in the chair.

No Credit Card Required*

Integrating all your favorite financing providers

Financing Providers

And more...

"It's like x-ray vision for patient financing"

Patient financing without SimpleCheck is like shooting in the dark...

Where missing the mark by even an inch costs you thousands...

Hidden fees, unclear terms, and frankly wasting precious time with patients who can't qualify for 💩

But with SimpleCheck, it's like having x-ray vision.

To be clear, you DON'T need another financing provider - and we're NOT one!

As the first and only unbiased, data-driven, pre-qualification tool, we are democratizing patient financing by being your "first look" - and here's why:

With just a patient's name and address, we're able to instantly determine the best of your current patient financing providers with a soft-pull that has no impact on your patients' credit scores.

This means you'll know EXACTLY which companies your patient will qualify for...

Along with the cost to your practice (Where it's likely you could save 50% or more on processing fees)

And the cost to your patient (Where they too can likely save 50% or more by avoiding predatory hidden interest terms)

Let's face it...

Trying to navigate patient financing blindfolded can lead to costly mistakes.

But SimpleCheck allows you to see through the confusion and always make the best decision.

We've gathered all your financing options in one place, making it easy to compare and choose the right one.

Ready to experience the future of patient financing?

Get 3 FREE credits when you sign up for SimpleCheck today!

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